Saturday 22th April 2006

The sun spun around. On the hill the Crucifix stood out, the Mother at His feet.

The prophet saw it but he was not touched. A farmer, present by chance, cried her amazement.

The day before the prophet had consecrated a couple of bride and groom-parents with a view to the presidency of the Eucharistic Supper.

It did not want to be an against-institutional sign, but an iconic one: the Eucharistic rule of the church in the future would be more flexible and airy.


After the consecratory event the prophet announced to the couple: “Look at that bridge. Satan’s fury will go wild there for this act”.

The bridge collapsed some days after. There were some deaths, drivers.


How can we love Truth without loving truths?

How can we be believers without being sincere?


His faith in God’s love and His Christ power was not “reasonable” anymore.


One can mature even in the prophetic charisma.

This article is available in Italian too