Saturday 28th April 2007

Aren’t some self-deceptions of mystic life the jokes of Divine Humorist? Of the Canticle of the Canticles’ Groom, who playfully hides himself?

When the Lord reveals, the soul is compensated for all its hardest deserts.

Mary, daughter of Abraham, is also his mother. She is the universal mother of men, without any frontiers of space and time.

Jesus, historical Face of God, His being transparent, beyond all the Hellenistic definitions.

“Son of God”. How inadequate this definition is. Can you define the undefinable divine, even defined as Word?

Jesus has to be adored in the silence of Hellenistic reason, of any reason.

Never is the reason so powerful as when it adores. The reason knees: the reason of reason.

“Homosexuality is an imperfect step of human sexuality development”: the bishop of Namur (Belgium). Bishop regressed to homo abilis.

“Buttiglione”: augmentative of bottle. Philosophy typical of a barrelhouse in the Trastevere quarter in Rome.

Cardinal Angelo Scola. A great dialectician, but the substance is easy: Communion and Il-liberation.

“Jesus of Nazareth” of Joseph Ratzinger Benedetto XVI is the clear projection of His lunar subconscious. This is not the passionate and overwhelming faith but the reasonable reason, reasoning and reasoned, sensible.

Ratzinger confuses the specific faith in Jesus with general faith, fundamental, radical, transcendental (confidence in things and people) functional to men to live.

Intra-message from Ratzinger: I have not met Jesus. Reasonably I do believe Him.
Eunuch position.

For the abstract man it is reasonable to believe in Jesus as Son of God, for the believer it is impelling.

In front of God Love it is necessary to get over reason, without abandoning it.

Ratzinger psychically developed far from its “water-bearing stratum”, defending himself. An overdeveloped personality has come out, artificial, exuding inauthenticity.

This article is available in Italian too