Saturday 3rd March 2007

The end of the earth is chasing. Ineluctable, infallible, irresistible.

We don’t only have to love the Lord of Jesus Christ. We have to fear Him.

Jesus, in His Eucharistical state, is sexually alive. He does not evirate Himself to give Himself to us.

The first Inquisitor General’s Encyclical was about Love.

Mother of Grace and Gratitude, intercede on our behalf that Love that would love us regardless of your intercession.

The Devil is human kind’s companion, everybody’s companion.

When the Church announces God-Love, does not want to deduce the consequences form a constitutional, canonical, ethical, ecumenical point of view.

He saw two clergymen down in the abyss, two acquaintances of his. One of them is still alive.

Breathless, blistered and groaning she came towards him. She had died some days earlier. In the odour of sanctity.

Love is the plumage of the peacock shown by the system-power in order to be accepted by the foolish and not.

Ratzinger is refined but not fine (se intendi acuto= sharp).

The Devil is going to unchain the barking of its progeny, the church’s sons and daughters, against the prophet. Their throats will give off the hell.

One is baptized in the system,against Christ and not in Christ.

The end of the earth in itself does not mean the end of the Universe. But the Christ’s sudden transformation of the earth involves the universe one.

Jesus from the Cross fills us with Holy Spirit.

Christ moved us from the land to somewhere else, while the land lies desert? It is not convincing, dystonic from the fact that God is not only the Saviour of the man, but also of the human being.

God is the cosmic Transfigurator. God exceeds all the transigurated cosmos.

Jesus gets undressed at the washing of the feet. This goes to show the excellent relation that lies between Christ and His body and the body. St Francis of Assisi, victim of the medieval ascesis, understood it even foer a single moment, when he converted: he got undressed before his father and citizens.

Christ gives Himself to us naked as a baby boy, in all His physical truth. This is the great humbleness of the Word made flesh.
Next Maundy Thursday nude liturgy in St. Peter’s.

A baroque church is the Evil’s house.

This article is available in Italian too