Thursday 10th December 2009

They suddenly pierce the Carthusian’s soul by giving Maria della

Zoc …a

They invade him with invective


The adulant

Good boy

“… ..

They try to ensnare it in a Proposal (to the letter) and in Inciucio (to the letter). They want the Carthusian to deal with them and they will not bother him. The Carthusian refuses a priori every relationship. The demons take revenge by prolonging the noise and the rumocerebral noises. For the dry no, they give him cordially



See that they are terrified of Mary.

They repeat by way of motivation:

Splendor spoke to me
“” Sad
“” “Sad sad … ..


For them God is sad-sad because he loves.

M.Q. he called him d.FrancoMaria.

The demons are very stupid because they absolutely do not understand faith and love.

Word of Jesus

December 9, 2009. Feast of the Coming of the Holy House

I will attract men to you
how the Father attracted them to Me


The demons reveal: Amanda (Knox) ​​is believed to be superior.

An old mystical note. Naples 1983. “Before 6pm. A large leopard threw himself towards me and stretched out on my right side, in bed. I reacted verbally: “Coward, I do not fear you. In the name of Jesus “. The event (psychic?) Lasts a few moments “.

In another circumstance: “In a moment I had the sensation of” being in front “, seeing me without seeing”.

On the funeral image of the prophet’s sister the uncle had written:


Consummatum est
In the mouth of death
the Host of life


Italy governed by the instigators of Italian massacres? Berlusconi’s mafia stragista tool?

This article is available in Italian too