Thursday 12th February 2009

Gregory Baum: “Obeying the official position without being convinced, so unable to integrate it in our conscience, is morally problematic. Going against one’s conscience cannot be accepted. If one cannot be convinced of the ideas of the teaching, can only follow his own conscience. This is the only moral choice”.


Benedict XVI’ s bio-ethics is actually bio-dis-ethics, resounding overturning of the good sense.


Demons take their psychical well-being by human latrine.


What kind of worlds of light, of unbearable beauty, the Immaculate holds in herself.


She immerged him in history indiandolo him through it. She, co-protagonist of the history of salvation.


God is not power, is not mainly wisdom. He is Eucharist , Gift. He is not being, he is a ceaseless event, a perennial and sleepless act. Splendor of Himself. Overflowing. Ontological generosity. By creating He attracts to  Himself. By attracting to Himself He creates. Light of Himself (Word), Light out of Himself (Spirit).

He knows the darkness of Love. He is the glorious cloud over the biblical desert, Darkness of Light, Light of Darkness.

He is the night angel that hits Jacobs, injured by His love. Divine masochist. Self- crucified.


Italy can emerge from nihilism only thanks to the vitality of Berlusconi: Maurizio Sacconi, lumen gentium.


Out of God- Event, everything is event. Out of God- Gift everything is gift.


Nothingness is the non-Gift, that is the impossible.

This article is available in Italian too