Thursday 29th May 2008

The Holy Spirit arranges discordant realities: contemplation and action, quiet and movement, system and reform, institution and event, faith and hope, reason and heart, intuition and syllogism, identity and relation.


Demons are intellectuals: their ideas circulate and convince. For instance the reasonably absurd idea of a right war.


Hebrew transfigure history congenially, nature for resonance. They are the poets theologians of history, from the “Red Sea”, prodigiously opened, to Resurrection.





Maybe there have been several Exoduses. The greatest Exodus was with “Moses”. But they were guided Exoduses. Mainly the great Exodus, if there has been. Guided by someone for sure, not necessarily by a mythological (?) Moses.





The Eden was thought to be real by medieval people. Still today one may ask: was it the joyful, luxuriant, meteoric Mesopotamia territory? A land swept by the Flood? Helped by such a faith, Christopher Colombo dealt with his epic journey. He brilliantly confused Venezuela for the Eden.





Is there the evolution of primitive man from hunting to agriculture in the Genesis? The background of Eden is infact arboreal-fructiferous. Was there an intensive exploitation of the land, that caused its desertification? Was this the historical sin of man? In any case the narration of Genesis is theologically and sapientially airy.





God has calculated everything with extreme exactness, even the physical and moral chaos. Even the fate itself.





We are so small that we cannot catch intelligence, kneaded in everything.





We breathe live execute intelligence.






Biblical pre-destination has a deep and elusive sense.


We modern and postmodern are like earthworms from the speculative spiritual and religious point of view.





God is exactness.





Saints live a chronological love poem, beaten till the comma and the iota of time. The infinitesimal straw of their time implies and includes the huge All.





The Word became flesh in the very moment of the perfect and exalting Love.





Nature is natured. It is the longa manus of a much wise God.





Augustine of Tagaste fills the centuries with two cosmic brays: the original sin and the right war.





Never as today Christ radicalism must be the light of people, the salvation of men, resurrection of churches.





The church has the serious fault of not opening to the Overwhelming.


It has become a slipper. Beware of the one who wears it. It is skinned by the Spirit.





We are complicated because we neither believe nor love.





Very few love the church, almost all spoil it. Mainly those who hold it.





We are blinded by Satan, the god of incredulity and pseudo-problems.





At last God asks us to trust Him only. Darkness will stay but it will be twilight.





Stigmata become more and more painful mainly those in the feet. Legs, for not using them, are going to atrophying.





It is necessary to caress reality as a mysterious rose, while to treat it scientifically and technically.


Can we stay purely dermatologists in front of the brilliant skin and the night lashes of our girlfriend?





If Hitler had been religiously adored, not only politically, he would have cured blind and crippled people, like Jesus.


Infact those oceanic crowds, those bright flags, those night torches, the night sun of those liturgies, that voice with cosmic resonances floated up through history, shining with the steel of faith and hope, would have freed the dead from their sepulchers.





Ostension of the body of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina. A shameful cosmetic operation.


Let’s show Padre Pio but with no tinsels, no silicone masks, no elegant decoration on his habit. Let’s show him the way he is: a skeleton. And over the fanaticism there would be the conversion grace. Conversion to realism and adoration of the Only Saint.





The church does not let to be overwhelmed by Christ.





Nowadays women do not get dressed anymore but undressed. They do not get undressed as much as it is necessary for a good eros.


Women are contributing to men degradation, more and more tickled in the sphere, the sexual spheres and incapable of romantic sublimation. It is the absurd: we think to be sexually ethic only because we are anti-pedophile. Listen all: our ethics had the width of the caveau of an ass.





The church has almost always betrayed Jesus, spoiling Him on basic points: the non violence and the sharing as justice.





He invited the dear heart-attacked Arcangelo to think about his being blasphemous about  the Virgin. She would have been happy and for this happiness of hers she would have immediately helped him. The day after escaped from a potentially mortal accident.


From Mary to Christ and to God: the iter of the talented cook. The carthusian respected and accepted the method of the Holy Spirit. For his belief he would have preferred to preach Jesus Christ soon after.





Animal love and have intelligence, but not with men’s verticità and radicalism, on the other hands capable of such a violence and destructivity to turn out to be the most dangerous species of the planet, for itself and others.





Animals kill but do not hate. they hate forced by men, who devastate their logics.





Demons are luxurious intellectuals.





Today’s technical-scientific man has to live in God as a deep-sea diver with his sophisticated equipment in the Ocean.

This article is available in Italian too