Thursday 3rd August 2006

For centuries the original sin has calumniated God, popes, theologians and saints playing their part.

The village idiot told him with an intact amazement and terms: “I was praying in front of the Tabernacle. The small door opened. A strong voice came out: «I am Who I am.» From the Tabernacle a flame was given off. In the flames a dove”.

The Carthusian apologises with his readers for not reporting the words in their dialect.

Faith must be the leaven of religion.

I thank my father for educating me to the tenderness of the being analogy. He, humble craftsman-artist. I remember his furtive tears, in the crowd, in front of the via crucis of a far Good Friday.



One cannot be a genuine metaphysical without any respect and love for reality, the whole of it. Until wanting an all-competent competence.



The philosophy of being, a being open to the games of becoming, is definitely better than the philosophy of nature, adopted today, unfortunately by the church.


He was more and more hit by the light of the infinite difference between the being and the nothing. At the same time he felt God superior to the being.


The being appeared to him as a net of becoming essences, never static, never possible to take, always possible to guess.



Heterosexuality is not perfect, it faces on the one different from it, homosexuality. Also it, not perfect, faces over heterosexuality.

This article is available in Italian too