Thursday 7th June 2007

Benedetto XVI: Marxism and Capitalism «counterfeit the idea of reality mutilating the founding, and for this reason decisive, reality, that is God».

Ultimately today’s capitalism has betrayed its Jewish-protestant root: wealth as a blessing from God.

Still autism? A young German flings himself onto the papal car, and the Pope does not realize it.

The Holy Spirit moves “in such a suave way in the soul that it is not understood, and for its greatness estimated by few”: St. Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi.

The Spirit throne “with its weight and its lightness moves around the places prepared and suitable to receive it”.

“By making and non-making he can do great, worthy and admirable things”.

“With his intense, wise and foolish hearing, he cannot hear anything, listening to the least thing; lowering his head with a merciful raising, and by this lowering of his he comes to exalt and lower the lowered”.

“…motionless and motionful he inspires everyone”.

This article is available in Italian too