Thursday 9th October 2008

Psycho/weather key of Ratzinger:


1)  Esthetism

2)  Intellectualism

3)  Psychic suicide

4)  Culture as alienation from the conflictive Self

5)  Astuteness, wickedness, envy

6)  Un-affectivity

7)  Strong will

8)  Death flowing back to the past

9)  Power as getting a lacking phallus

10)  Christ without Jesus


Monday 6th October. Suddenly the darkness descended. Total. He could not even moan: Christ, save me. God and His Christ were the face of Nothing.

He could only call out for Mary, felt exclusively as a maternal paradigm of human spirit. After some hours from the bottom of his heart faith gushed uncontrollable.

Days of psycho-physical tiredness followed. He reacted losing himself into nature and tasting some good traditional cuisine. Life and the Life came back. He had experienced, until implosion, the John bad reputation of Satan “killer” (of the spirit).


Inner words of Jesus: you are intelligent but you have to be intelligent for the others.


Can we believe without any psycho-physical energy? Can a depressed one believe, despite depression?


Thursday 9th October. 5,20 p.m.. Satan, furious, attacks him at his back tightening his neck, involving him in a horizontal back-fly almost close to the ground. The Carthusian horizontally sticks to the lying body of Satan and feels all the strength of its phallus. No penetration, no involuntary ejaculation.

Once “awaken”, the Carthusian feels a growing lack of sleep in his life. He reminds to himself:


6th June 2007

only in God my soul rests

because I neither sleep in the day nor at night


Those are Memena’s words, the seer farmer from Ceglie, a simple good generous serene woman. Met by the Carthusian during his marble Via crucis and the white gazebo, used after the common prayer  for the welcoming and the free refreshing of brothers and sisters. In the open countryside. Like a small sun. Come out from this illiterate woman, queen of faith.


Jesus wanted the Carthusian to be more and more simple and genuine in his charismatic faith. And He made him more and more childish in his Spirit. He trained him to the astonishing games of His love. Meant to awaken, in the disenchanted human kind, the sense of the huge real “fairy tale” (tragic fairy tale) of the Gospel and its inenarrable Object-Subject, the most pleasant Logos of Nazareth.


The hell is threatened by Jesus because it is real. Pedagogical menace, virtual (self)malediction: here is its actual sense.

This article is available in Italian too