Tuesday 19th May 2009


“I have prayed for you d.Franco, for years, because I saw you devoured by the thirst for knowledge. Let the Three Divine be enough”.

“It is easier to love God than let God Love us”.

Conversation between Jesus M.Q.

M.Q.: “I am afraid to be disillusioned”.
Jesus: “Be more simple and humble”.
M.Q.: “But I am proud”.
Jesus: “I am Free”.

Tuesday 19th May. 4,25 a.m. the carthusian is awaken by “Ave Maria” of the angels, that suddenly stop not to disturb the carthusian sleep. “Ave Maria” clearly perceived only in his right ear.

The God of M.Q. is not only a God of Love but also a God who desperately loves to be loved. In biblical terms: the God of Covenant pleads covenant. The Word (“it is not good that the man is alone”, Gn 2,18) is true for God mainly, better for the Three Divine. They are not enough for Themselves, though they are enough for each other infinitely. Their well-being, not Their being, needs it.

God is Trinity in His being, He is everything in His well-being.

No bend to pantheism, if any only to “transcendental pantheism”, if it is possible to use this terminology.

This article is available in Italian too