Tuesday 25th April 2006

The Messiah is the depth of things.


They even adored the suffering of the great Polish idle. They would have adored even his stool.


Canonization will consecrate the idle.


I thank my mother for the cult of truth.


The only adorable and adoring one in the church is Jesus Christ.


Jesus-ology, if it wants to be founded and sound, has to culminate in Christology. Turning from the Resurrected to the Pre-Existing.


Pre-existence is not a platonic myth, but a theological need. I say it unlike Hans Küng, though appreciated.


Mystagogy, mystagogy, mystagogy: cried the great Rahner. God above His Word and His Spirit: I. God, only God: here is the Root.


We have to adore even Jesus Christ Message, not only His Person.


Without Hebraism, its lancinating sense of God, Christianity would have deified man. It worked that out with papism.


Extra Deum nulla salus.


God, rigorously, is not personal, but Tri-personal.


It is obvious: God is Tri-personal not as a person, but as nature.


Nature as absolute person? No. Nature as relative (relational) people, yes.


So, God’s personality, cannot be conceived outside Trinity.

This article is available in Italian too