Tuesday 26th May 2009

5th August 1946. M.Q. offers her life to the priests, “especially for those in need and danger”.

1978. Noviciate of the Jesuit from Frascati. From the tabernacle Jesus tells the worshipping novice, with a huge strength ad for two times consecutively: offer Me your life. The novice, ingenuously, will think the Word to be a warning of a close death. M.Q. writes him: “…you will have a long a hard way to go and this is the reason why Christ asked you your life: to possess you totally and have the freedom to act in you…” (Turin 15,4,1978).

The “Voice”

1) 24th May 1972. Basilica of Maria Ausiliatrice.

“Do not look for comfort in the creatures”
“Let the Holy Spirit guide you”
“A lot of meekness”

2) 8th June 1972. Basilica of Loreto. Voice of Maria. Twice.

“Let Him enough, the Creator”

“These two dates are very important to me: the 24th May and the 8th June”. Post scriptum of the letter of the 24,5,1978.

M.Q. “…I will hear talking about you like the famous P.Lombardi. We will hear: Father .Ratti. Franco, I don’t want you to have the fame and the glory of men, but a great love for God and for the souls. Your path is sprinkled with thorns, hidden to the men’s eyes, under rose petals. Be courageous, always look at the Sky. That is our destination, our glory in and with glorious Christ…” (Letter of the 27,7,1978).

He prayed for the Sardinian of Arcore because the breakdown could heal him. He had dreamt of it lots of times. Despite the hard judgement about his person, he liked him.

At the end the prophecy has to give way to interception.

With a delicate touch his father drew and carved, craftsman of the saddle. With infinite tenderness the Logos stigmatically carved his forehead.

This article is available in Italian too