Tuesday 4th April 2006

Jesus did not say: “Who adores me will have eternal life”, but “Who follows Me…”.

Who follows Him really adores Him.


Logics distinguishes, analogics unites. Logics and analogics have to interact.


Jesus is not the author of the Apocalyptic of His times. The Kingdom, not His imminence, is the essence of His message.

Imminence is a chronologic category, culturally functional. Jesus Message, formaliter loquendo, is meta-temporal, superior to any sense of timing.


Being, acting, doing come immediately from God. Here is the truth of Creation. There is no sense in a production from nothingness, because “nothingness” is nothing.

Mysticism comes from it logically.


God does what we do.


Only Good can be done. Evil is Good mis-done.

This article is available in Italian too

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