Tuesday 6th March 2007

He did not want to get used to the Spirit’s prophetic visits, thus showing disrespect to Him.


He wished absolute pacifism of the crowds, to be obtained with the harmony of the churches, worldwide religions, laymen of good will.


He did not want Christ liked him: it would have been  narcissistic.

He preferred not to be because He could be. Better: because only He could be.


The real stigmatised does not enjoy his stigmata.


The palm trees blew their green on the heart.


Non-violence must absolutely be globalised.


Do not dare hate, even for love.


All the men need to meet Jesus Christ.


Environment, babies, women, gay people, hungry people, thirsty people, exploited people: this is the volcanic country of Christianity.


Church must get rid of the Vatican: this is Christ’s categorical imperative. Otherwise history will be  merciless.

This article is available in Italian too