Tuesday 7th October 2008

Bioethic controversy between monsignor Giuseppe Betori and the philosopher Roberta de Monticelli. Betori says that «it is not up to people to decide» about interrupting or not the therapy.

Reply on the Foglio of Roberta de Monticelli: «This statement is the most terrible, the most diabolic denial of the existence of the possibility of any moral».

Betori the day after on the Avvenire distinguishes liberty of conscience, approvable, from the principle of self-determination, deplorable.

Vito Mancuso objects on the Corriere: «Since I cannot understand the relevance of such a distinction, I ask in what sense would liberty of conscience be different from liberty of self-determination. What is the use of a conscience free at a theoretical level, if then, at a practical level a man can self-determine by taking a decision about himself?»


Emptying of the Christ, anti-emptying of the church. The Spirit is the author of the first, Satan of the second.


The model of catholic church is not Mary of Nazareth but the Ephesian Artemide Polimaste (with a lot of breasts). Chinese milk with melamine.


Veronesi. The ten rights of ill people:

1)   Right to scientifically effective cures

2)   Right to quick cures

3)   Right to a second opinion

4)   Right to the privacy

5)   Right to know the truth about the illness

6)   Right to be informed about the therapies

7)   Right to reject the cures

8)   Right to express their own will beforehand

9)   Right not to suffer

10)   Right to respect and dignity

This article is available in Italian too