Wednesday 11th July 2007

Escatological Apostasy and Pentecost are concomitant.

God, though being and remaining Trinitary Plurality, is potentially Infinite Plurality.

Standing the new teorical-practical problems it is necessary to give a new meaning to words like “person” and “democracy”. With the related questions: person when? Sympathetic or brotherly democracy? Where solidarity guarantees the principle of difference (a sympathetic difference), and brotherhood, instead, guarantees the principle of equality with difefrent functions and charisma.

University has to be a laboratory of ideas about the important contemporary matters, not only enjoyment of established knowledge.

Satan believes in Jesus’ divinity. So even its children and replicants believes in it, swarming in the catholic church, blowing Spirit and Christ out.

Ratzinger, better Ratzanger is the rigourous and clear prosecution of Wojtyla’s strategy, who could not, for reasons of decency and opportunities, impose the anti-Concilium soon.

Ratzinger has not come closer to Lefebvre, he is Lefebvre himself, a smarter, dialectical, sneaky Lefebvre.

In the eyes of men he looked for the wonder for Mistery.

The real copernican revolution is going back to the universal principle of causation, totally valid even beyond empiric world. Going past Kant backwardly.

Even stones know there is a difference between discipline and repression. Nadia Fusini

Believing in Christ’s divinity is the privilege of a church that destroys His ideas.

This article is available in Italian too