Wednesday 15th November 2006

A pope gay, not gay and that s’accetta not accept gay: the usual mess Catholic.
“The church expert in humanity”, in the words of Paul VI? Rather the church expert entanglements and intrigues existential. See the human figure of Ratzinger, who blend itself the egregious congeries.

The Enlightenment antilluministico Ratzinger: the reason against the Enlightenment. He is the light, the laity bats and scorpions, obscurantism.

If eros is morbid gloom and galley, the church is the institution most erotic I know.

Christ crucified is not resistant, non-resistance.

Only homosexuality shadowy brothels and no problem to the church. Shouted from the rooftops is scandalous, as the Gospel.
What is solar disturbs the Institution Night.

Intercede or contemplate the triumph of love and mercy in the hearts?
No intercession, but inclined to contemplate the Carthusian.

Intercede for many idiots theological means intercede with the sun to enlighten.

Treat atheism as madness is foolish. Who would not be an atheist without the gift of faith?

Without the enlightenment the church today would in fact entirely Islamic.

The theocracy of Ratzinger is Islam, not Christianity of Christ.

This article is available in Italian too