Wednesday 18th July 2007

We are deep into the being. There is too much of it to deny it.

The tria-logue: thinking about the being, saying the being, being.

Between sleeping and waking, towards him, some adult voices: daddy, daddy… Sos of “souls”. Prelude of a conscious “bilocation” ?

From the spirit point of view we are idiot.

Lefebvre’s schism has become Ratzinger’s schism.

The Lord wanted hm close to His heart, “on His right”.

A young man, who was about to die, sent someone to tell him: I spiritually came to you, in your summer hermitage. You got very angry several times with a guy, whose name I’ve forgotten.
The Carthusian was surprised: it was the truth.
Yet the fact had happened some years before. “Journey” in time? The hermitage was a two-hour and half drive far, in a different region.

The Lord’s happiness consisted of confiding in him.

Men are alone even from the paranormal point of view, left alone by a pseudo- intellectual.

The so called human “intelligence” is foolishness and pride, towards God, the Simplest.

Ave Maria, most affectionate wife of Joseph.

Ave Maria, prolific wife of Joseph.

Ave Maria, virginal mother of the Messiah.

Green heart of Christ.

Ratzinger has not been influenced by Lefebvre, he simply followed himself. Lefebvre is only an alibi.

From the pictures of his parents one can understand their sexual iciness. Ratzinger is the flower of it.

Ratzinger’s autism has its roots in the cited picture.

“In the XVI century, in the Pernambuco, Branca Dias was accused of a serious crime by the Inquisition: having a Bible in Portuguese. Neither the assessment of her illiteracy saved her. The vernacular language was seen as profane”: Frei Betto.

“i will make you my bride in faith”: Osea 2, 20 Volg.

«[…] As Solomon says: «You will find the divine sense» (Pr 2,5). He infact knew that there are two kinds of senses in us: a kind that is mortal, corruptible, human, another that is immortal and intellectual, he defines as divine. So with this divine sense not of the eyes but of the pure heart, that is intelligence, God can be seen by those who are worthy»: Origene, Princ. I 1,9; Against Celso I 48.

«I know that without me, God cannot live a moment: If I am nothing, he has necessarily to die»: Angelo Silesio, Il pellegrino cherubico, I, 8.

«God is a pure nothing, now and here do not touch him: the more you want to catch him, the more he escapes»: Angelo Silesio, Il pellegrino cherubico, I, 25.

“Mons. Fellay ( Lefebvre’s successor in charge of the “Fraternità San Pio X”) declared that «the liberalization of Pio V’s missal will cause a war inside the church with an outburst equal to the atomic bomb»”: Enzo Bianchi.

This article is available in Italian too