Wednesday 18th June 2008

Wednesday 11th June. About 7,00. In his dreams and in his vision, his soul soars to Jesus, who attracts it with Him.

One hour after, always in his vision, a man lands in the empty space, without crashing. As if Jesus had said: “You will go through the roman condemnation unharmed and slightly”.

The evening before the carthusian had felt the Gift as imminent.


He was usually forced to depend on two autistics, who caused him a lot of practical problems.


The stigmata in his feet was definitely the most painful, physically and psychologically.

It meant physical, ecological, anthropological (or relational) lack of liberty.


With the others he surrounded his stigmata with silence and cunning lies

The same were present in his online notes, but dodged and mixed up.


He did no longer say; transform me into You. But: transform me towards You.


Ubi amor, ibi oculus est.

Spirit is the eye of the Word. The Word the Spirit’s eye.


Knees are the golden section (divine) of the body.


The soul events are definitely more powerful than body events. More shocking than the shocking events of it.


A juvenile graffito: “The two infinite things of the world; the starry sky and men’s stupidity”.


Again: “The world is power and you are slaves of it”.


Truth is difficult. Like Beauty. It has to come and help the simple and simplifying Spirit.


This is the true Christian Apocalypse: God sends the Son definitely and loudly (we do not understand the way) to save men from their apocalypse. God will prove His existence incontrovertibly, His power, His love only at the end (in the near future) by saving. Saving men with a visible perceptible physical solar salvation. Saving them surprisingly  and silently at the same time.


This Omega is the Sense. Neither buts, ifs, yes or no.


In Omega the sense of Alfa. Before Omega haziness and lightings of truth, sometimes blinding.


Pindaric tall stories of the un-fascism: “Life is a companion, death a lover” (Pavolini).


“The most precious thing in the world is the people”: Adolf Hitler.

“The most precious thing in the world are the people”: the carthusian.


A sulphureuos icon of the end: a girl-Aphrodite caresses with her voluptuous glance the perfect butt of a rifle.


The breast of a woman is erotic only if it is hidden. Otherwise it cries out maternity.


Tue holocaust is the one of the multitudes (not the minorities) swept away from history (Africans, Tanzanians, Indians, Amerindians…). Less than shadows, the unable ones of the Shoah mythology. Dumb forever.


Colonialism. Apartheid. A smiling lady and light collects stones: “We white men and women cannot mix up with inferior races. Who have to be educated and promoted to our civilization”.


Italy runs towards the abyss. Behind the Pied Piper, joy and jubilation of the Baviera.


Medieval Madonnas. Bodies without flesh. Breasts like cyber-spheres. If the Son had sucked from them, he would have become the serial killer of all the virgins of His Galilee.


Law of Scoto or the Pseudo-Scoto: ex contradictione quodlibet.

If in the world one only contradiction was realized, it would explode.


“What’s wrong in believing in some contradictions?”: Graham Priest


“If you do not know yourself and who you are…how can you believe you know exactly who God is?.. Such a belief is a great stupidity”: Gregorio of Nazanzio


Councils do not tie us to «literal formulation of dogma» but to their meaning. «It is not about infallible propositions, but about an infallible “reality”»: Walter Kasper


Canticle of the Sun

(from Instigations)

The thought of what America would be like

If the Classics had a wide circulation

Troubles my sleep.

Esdra Pound

The thought of what America would be like

If the Classics had a wide circulation

Troubles my sleep.

Il certosino


You move around the world through practical faith, you transcend the world through theological faith. We are faith in every sense. We are always faith anyway.


The one of Severino  is faith in the presumed non-faith, in the presumed infallible visibility of the Law of contradiction.


The Word made flesh has absorbed Eros from His Mother breast. The prayer fromHer knees.

This article is available in Italian too