Wednesday 25th July 2007

Monsignor Tarcisio Bertone. The “ratzous” and radiant housewife.

Otherwise: the friendly version (oratorical-Silesian) of Ratzinger venoms.

Heavens, listen: it is not two rhythes to be at the stake, but two uses of the same rhyte. Only an autistic thought can think it.

It is absolutely ridiculous that homosexual people cannot get married.

Trinity conciliates the sense of the One in Plato with the sense of the plurality in Aristotle.

Christian life means sharing the existential relationship of Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

In the baptism of the Spirit he experienced the Spirit as fire. He surprisingly invoked the prophet Elia. Some weeks later, the Eucharistic event of prophetic consecration by Christ. Event with no measures, against any measures.
The oak of intellectualism was shaken violently and uprooted. Then he totally believed and went on believing in Jesus’ divinity, despite any opposite theology. Thanks to that event, unique in Christianity history, neither experienced nor testable by any other human being. Event destined to renew the last human history.
No God could have saved him by the shock of that Meeting, but God. He experienced the abyss of him as a creature, the total pain of a creature suddenly and always possessed by Living God.
Pain, not horror, almost a loss of his being, Gethsemane of his limits. Conciliating, then, slowly and painfully with his creatural condition, without the possibility of a comparison in taking part in anything. Alone in the Only One, alone with the Only One.

The notes of a Neapolitan song, coming from a summer band, in the burning evening, filled him with God to tears.

Pio XI was embittered by the use of racial laws. With father Tacchi Venturi, mediatory between the Holy See and Mussolini, he unburdens himself: “…Italian People has become a herd of idiot sheep. I will speak, I will not be afraid. I care of the Concordate, but more my conscience…”.

Ratzingerian definition of Sect: progressive.

No to torture, yes to euthanasia, to his double concrete meaning: aided homicide-suicide.
We are not afraid of words, we are afraid by sadism, cruelty, hate of men.

This article is available in Italian too