Wednesday 26th January 2000

Caress of the sun on his torn heart.


Stigmatic pulsations emerged soon after his prophetic consecration. He lay in bed for several weeks in the novitiate of Frascati.


For him Maria was synonym for Sky and joy. He associated her to harp and accordion together, the noisy, joyful, serenading accordion of the festival.

She sang in the house. She was the nightingale of Nazareth.


Everywhere, most available, sex blooms.


Sexual sensibility increases out of all proportion. Almost general corruption of glances and hearts.


Two dreams, undervalued at first sight, later revealed to be visions: the first. Veltroni gives Prodi a lecture. The second. Prodi upset, dealing with number 5: the historical difference,  decisive for the tumble of Prodi, between the 161 no and the 156 yes at the Senate.


He would definitely have died of a heart attack talking about the Beloved and the Loved Lovers.


Ignacio of Loyola asks all the Christians the utmost emotional poverty: living inwardly in huts like the Jewish in the desert. Leaving patches of sky through the leaves of the roof.


Maria was much present at his spiritual evolution, discreet and dynamic.


The Carthusian still remembers when, sitting on a deckchair, on a very sunny and crowded beach, felt, in himself and around him, the paradisiacal presence of God’s Mother. God’s blessing reality surrounded him and came into him with a suave power.


No man can understand the sadness of Holy Spirit dealing with the inward reality of men and women, who, for their faith and ministry, should be the children of Dawn.


The deep caresses of Spirit are not for the impure ones.


The arm has to aim to become a wing, sex in parabola, stones in sea. Without destroying the arm, the sex, the stones.


This metaphysical tension of sex made is, in a sense, more noble than the non tension of sex celibacy-ly removed.


The gift the Spirit gives to His lovers is innocence and pureness.


They are given divinely scientific eyes.


The pureness given by the Spirit is sui generis, because it is together with maturity.


The autistic went on prospering within everybody’s admiration. How blind we are.

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