Wednesday 27th August 2008

Giorgio La Pira. “One could have the impression, in front of that wild little Sicilian professor who went on with his evangelical sayings, that only few things might be important for him in life: first of all the poor, then earthly justice, and, more generally speaking, the daily application of Christian charity”: Carlo Bo


The rose of Angelo Silesio:” It does not care about itself, it does not ask you to watch it”.


Saint Thomas: “Philosophus est aliqualiter philomythes, idest amator fabulae, quod proprium est poëtarum”. The philosopher is somehow someone who loves tales, just like poets.


Saint Augustine: “Etiam nos, secundum quod aliquid aeternum mente sapimus, non in hoc mundo sumus”. Insofar as we know and we know about something that is eternal, we are moved from this world as well.


Baptism is the door of the Abyss.


Fuge, tace, quiesce”: that was the adage of the abbot Arsenio.


Christ is not only the Coming One, but the One who is coming quickly. And according to Aristotle, quickness is power.


Birds open their wings in the shape of a cross, according the De oratione by Tertulliano.


Science is seeming, so much it is linked to the show.


“I have never thought there could be a relationship deeper than the one between a husband and a wife, but now I find it difficult to believe there can be a pain stronger or a relationship deeper than mine towards you”: John Henry Newman in the funeral speech for his friend Ambrose St. John.


Gerd Theissen writes: “The rule is the great event of the protocatholic Christianity… Decisive is the fact that the rule has not abolished the internal plurality of original Christianity, but it has saved it”.


The Vandals were not bloody like the Romans, who killed for fun both humans and animals. Moreover they loved poetry and culture. Roman popes got rid of them called them barbarians (they were Aryans). There did not have to remain, and it did not actually, any trace of them.


Jede Form sie Kommt von oben” (“Every form comes form above”): Goethe


Hinauf! Hinauf strebt’s” (“Above! Above is the goal”): Goethe


Paradisiacal flowers

Over all the tombs on earth

And in the black holes of the stars

Precise sphere

Shapeless shape

vagina of the heart

my God


Eucharist is the sacrament of dying and the death, of the realizing and realized death of Jesus Christ. In the light and f the Realized and Realizing Resurrection.


Stigmata in the feet are not bloody crosses, but in relief, matured from inside.

This article is available in Italian too