Wednesday 2nd September 2009

Sunday 7th December 2008


Immaculate Conception eve. 6,21 p.m. I am praying, in a car opposite the Bar called  La Dolce Ostuni. I suddenly feel a sweetest and overwhelming fire inside me and from me, almost physical, better psychophysical. A never experienced situation. No formal message, if not virtual, due to a charismatic interpretation, immediate and spontaneous . “The 2009 is the year of your death. I am your mother, the Immaculate, the Messiah’s mother. I will confirm, when due, such a Message in a particular way”.


Saturday 13th June 2009. S. Anthony. I am watching Padre Pio  on channel TR the Loreto litanies, asking to Mary if the year 2009, the fourth from my heart attack, is the year of my departure. I remind to myself the prophecy of M.Q.: “You will stop 4 years before dying” (in so: 4 years, in a global sense, heart attack and then death).

Few seconds and I involuntarily catch an old film of the 30s on channel Rai3, restored in New York: “A wonderful story”. A lady, waiting for he prince to come back from adventurous lands, says: “3 years have passed and all the songs have been sung”. The prince comes back to her on the fourth year.


Tuesday 1st September 2009. About 5,20 a.m. In the right ear a clear Hail Mary, prayed by an old lady (During the Mass I also pray for the old). Hail Mary, in Latin for the first part, in Italian in the second. Followed by a joyous chiming.


Wednesday 2nd September. Some souls that were in purgatory in my dream: “We have understood a lot of things”. Gnoseologic value of the Purgatory. “Place” of a preliminary lightning.


The excited press release by the RAI about the angels of the 12th August 2009 refers to the media storm of the affair Boffo.

This article is available in Italian too