Wednesday 3rd September 2008

“Over the last thirty years over education system – from family to school – has had a unique worry: to avoid children and young every trauma, every difficulty, every frustration.

By teaching them they are good, and adorable any stupid thing they do and that they will never have to pay for their mistakes. They have never been told that our intelligence can only develop by facing the problems, that our personality is forged only accepting the challenges, that in order to understand the value of the things we have deserve them…”: Francesco Alberoni


Oh Father, fontal Spirit of the Word and the Sound.


The aim of human kind is not the Church but the Kingdom.


Intertwined forever by Love, the Trinity danced. Wonderful for happiness. The prophet’s dead parents.


“Thálassa, thálassa” that is the cry of the soldiers in the Anabasis by  Xenofonte. It is the murmur of the prophet’s blood, born onto the sea.


Erik Borgman: “…I consider it the main conquer of the II Vatican: the ability of seeing the world as the place of the presence of God and the church as that whole of people who can see such a presence in the very contemporary situation and let this presence call and gather them”.


Though for Ratzinger “the church is the only enclave where we can be saved by the world destruction forces, that is the modernity destructive forces”: Erik Borgman


Wind. Wind. Wind. Wind. Wind. Drought and death. And a boy, who tries to snatch a drop of water from  the burning sand. At the end, next to death, the prodigy: the desert becomes sea. In the wonderful Arab fiction the Carthusian finds, touched, his whole life.


The cross is not the centre, but the alive part of the entire redeeming sequence: incarnation, passion, death, resurrection, gift of the Spirit.


Saint Ambrose: “Ubi fides, ibi libertas” (where there is faith, is freedom).


The cross is the price Jesus pays for His ideals. No angry God, no vicarious punishment.


The cross tastes of Jordan: it is the icon of Jesus Christ’s solidarity with sinners, with all of them, oppressors and oppressed ones.


Even the poor err.


An authentic Liberation Theology has to liberate even the oppressors. By themselves.


In his dreams the Carthusian finds himself twice in a room slightly earthly, marked by elegant and coherent prints of huge fossil shells.

He asks and answers himself about the sense of such a vision: that is to bring every ecclesial thing back to the original freshness. “Thálassa, thálassa” the virtual shells of the vision exclaim.


When the moon is high on Marechiaro, the death laughs.


The Kingdom of God is love and justice and virtually the active and contemplative faith in Jesus Lord or Christ.


Jesus is the leader of a traveling charismatic movement, where men and women are introduced by Christ himself to friendship, brotherhood, sisterhood.


Jesus fundamentalism is antifundamentalist: it does not break the cracked canna, it does not extinguish the smoking wick.


Vito Fornari: “Men’s history is but the history of one only, Jesus Christ”.


“The old saying can be attributed to the Lord: homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto…” (I am a man, I do not think human people are different from me): Giorgio La Pira


The original Arabic language of the Koran, without vowels, can be variously. This simple information nullifies the ideological vision of a Koran which is unchangeable, perfect, peremptory, Gabriel-like.


Iran and Saudi Arabia promote Arab versions of the Koran, that intentionally take the distance by the sense of original Arabian language. Promoting, even by intentioned interpolations, anti-Semitism and fundamentalism.

This article is available in Italian too