Wednesday 4th August 2010

In the liturgical imminence of the Assumption

The carthusian now eats

Only Eucharist

His food fasting is total

He only drinks water

He has to renounce all his medicines

For a serious heartache,

Because they are deadly in an empty stomach

So, after years the prophecy of M.Q. is realized

“You will only eat Eucharist”

And together the self-prophecy of the Prophet


The carthusian has to manage his energies carefully, which he is given only for his physical autonomy and mainly with a view to contemplation.


The Prophet consecrated as he is by Jesus Eucharist


for History and the Medicine of men


Christological–Eucharistic-eschatologically proleptic


At the end of the story

Will be directly fed by God


Demons want agonizingly his backing. They flaunt Good Sense and Rationality.






They let loose with insults the Mother of Jesus:



As.. of Heaven


As for the Assumption, the carthusian was in favor of the  immortality thesis. Death,     in the case of Mary, is a ridiculous fact. Do angels assume a dead body? The biblical category of the  Resurrection cannot be applied to Mary, but the biblical category of  Rapture and Transfiguration.


Hans Küng: “I do not believe in the theory of Evolutionism, simply because it is a scientific fact, proved also by microbiology”.


If God did not exist, he exists only because He has to exist. The Prophet


The general Dalla Chiesa: “The Mafia is invincible but we have to fight it, resist to it to avoid that everything becomes mafioso”.


Giovanni Crisostomo: “Either the rich is a thief or he is son of a thief”.


Theologian José María Díez-Alegría: “I think that Catholic Church on the whole betrayed Jesus. This church is not what Jesus wanted, but what the power people of this world have wanted so far in history”.


How many cyanide tongues in his Urbe are going wild about the fasting of the Prophet alien from medicines: visionary, mad, irresponsible. The bishop Padovano was right. but both God and the Prophet make a fool of them all.

This article is available in Italian too