I Know it’s bad, but even the gods die. Even Wojtyla. A possible definition of his papacy and personality? A still mover: the aristotelic definition.
Mover, because he moved people from all over the world, claiming for peace and rights (some!!).
Still, because from the internal side of the church, he tied up everything. Unlike Pope John XXIII, the pope of theRreformation and Counter Reformation, Karol froze up the most serious problems. From the wedding for the priests to a female priest, to the use of condoms. From divorce to euthanasia; from the laical celebration of the Holy Communion, like in the apostolic church, to the baptism for adults.

As a result, a church against any kind o democracy, characterized by imperialism and absolutism. A church, slave of the Opus Dei, that is shipwrecking.
In order to avoid it, we ask for a Peter II, on the traces of Jesus of Nazareth. Laical, poor, far from the power.

Priest Dr. Franco Ratti


Issued on:

  • The newspaper “Libero” 4th April 2005
  • The newspaper “Liberazione” 5th April 2005
  • The newspaper “La NuovaBasilicata” 6th April 2005
  • The weekly magazine “L’Espresso” 14th April 2005
  • The periodical “Sulla Strada” – n.61 – March 2005
  • www.cdbitalia.it

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