THE MASS CELEBRATED BY LAY PEOPLE (instead of the priest, if the priest is not there)

The MO.CO.VA. (II Vatican Council Movement) totally agrees with the 4 proposals the Dutch Dominicans have recently made:

  1. The words of the Consecration (“Take and eat…”, “Take and drink…”) are to be pronounced by the priest together with the believers.
  2. If the priest is absent, the believers’ community can choose one or more people, among its members, in order to consecrate the Communion bread and wine and to officiate the celebration.
  3. Such helpers, chosen by the Community, may be both men and women, either married or single, eterosexual or omosexual.
  4. The bishop confirms the Community’s choice and lays hands on the chosen ones.

Sent to:

The President of the Italian Republic, Mr Giorgio Napolitano
To the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith
To the Press Agencies
To the Newspapers
To the Intellectuals
To politicians and clergymen
To religious Orders
To all the parishes
To the diocese of Rome
To the diocese of Milan
To the diocese of Torin
To the diocese of Genova
To the diocese of Bari-Bitonto
To the diocese of Avellino
To the diocese of Conversano-Monopoli
To catholic, evangelical, jewish, Islamic, gay, green sites

This article is available in Italian too