Saturday 17th February 2007

Suddenly a sweet and tender joy visited him. He could recognise the venerable Alessandro Berti, the heartbreaker of the Medici Florence, the fifteen-year old pet of St.Maria Maddalena de’Pazzi.

The Carthusian had spiritually known him through St. Stanislao Kostka, the very young polish gesuit. Both of them of the ‘500, humanist and most human, had satisfied him with signs of true friendship.


He hated the aesthetics of poverty.


Grazie di Te.


Let me lose myself in Your Face.


The mystic reawaken her critical skill.


Satan, from being deep into God, plunged in itself. From being in love it sterted loving itself. This is the history of church.


Instead of an “anonymous Christianity”, dear to Karl Rahner, I would call it an anonymous and implicit universal monotheism, where the theism of one means the God of Abraham and Jesus.


Ratzinger is not Marian in his psyche.


Mary is functional to the Christian’s psychical integrity and his health.


Mary is the icon of Jesus’s tenderness.


Every man is the image of Abraham’s God, every man is the image of His Christ, every man is the image of His Spirit.


Wherever there is a human man, you can find the true church, not the opposite.


The human man is the man of shared justice, is the man of loving justice.


Wojtyla felt uneasy with Ratzinger: told him the village idiot.

This article is available in Italian too