Thursday 13th March 2008

The law of contradiction is a postulate, a dogma, a faith, the will that reality is not contradicted.

Otherwise: the law of contradiction is only an “imperative”, that is surely necessary to live, but certainly is not an undeniable truth.


Yet logic, mathematics, physics (in their most developed layers) are not considered undeniable truths anymore.


The simplest power of Parmenides turned against Severino himself, against his “original structure of the truth destiny” (things are not illusions, but eternal).

Parmenides’s  power is so much that it even rejects its severiniano overtaking.

But here is the problem: is Parmenides really “venerable and terrible”, like a god, according to Plato?

Is the “law of contradiction” really god?


“Maybe most of the pedophiles is made of people not properly pedophiles, attracted by young children, but also by adult women or men.

The problem is the others: the ones who get excited only and exclusively with children.

It is a big problem: having a primary need, like the sexual one, and not satisfying it, unless they ruin a child and break the law.

Some, mainly the ones who do not feel a strong desire, can live erasing sex form their life. Some others can satisfy this need in a legal way, for example thanks to a consenting partner, that disguises as a child. But there are those without any scruples who destroy a child’s mind, refusing any treatment: to those ones there is very little to offer.

Pedophile priests belong to a different group. Normally theirs is not a problem of uncontrollable excitement that makes them abuse of children, but a complicate mix of problems”: Don Grubin, forensic psychiatric, professor at the Newcastle University,       one of the greatest English expert.


Spirit, intellective (values) e volitive (ethics) energy, can deafen the most deafening sensuality.

If necessary, contests and occasions that may stir it up have to be prevented.

You may erotically get mad for the most, apparently, stupid particular. Actually the newborn is open to any color of the erotic spectrum, as wide as the real, physical and anthropic.

We have to be aware of the all-embracing value of Eros, beyond classical classifications. Facing it trusting God, ultimate creator of every impulse, but mainly source of self-supremacy.

Yes, men, whether believers or not, have to possess themselves: uncovering a most precious Neo-Scholastic verb.

It is true that men’s radical and deep impulse is omni-erotic, but it must not take on all the historical  shapes of Eros.

It is necessary to discipline and raise it to friendship, to mutual gift, to dual donation,       but mainly to unilateral self-sacrifice.

To the liquidity of erotic reality one cannot reply with a liquid intelligence. You have to react with a formal and formalizing intelligence, structural and structuring, orderer but not oppressive, because it is aware of the informal base of things and in particular of Eros.

This awareness, radical and alive, will save us form every desire of self-annihilation.


To inner chaos, that threatens and invigorates us at the same time, men have to respond with ethics, the believers by praying mainly, playing on God the saviour or the saver.


Gustavo Bontadini. One of the greatest thinkers of our times.


Emanuele Severino. Among the greatest Italian thinkers, after Vico, with Gentile.


We do madly need cordial rationality, romantic enlightenment, agapic faith, pistico love, clear mystics, mainly an impartial dialogue.


Atheists, agnostics, mystics: humanity saving rainbow. Their aim: only the man. For the mystic ones the only near aim, the only sacrament.


God has to be loved in spirit and truth. God has to be loved even in His negation. God has to be loved even in His oblivion.

This article is available in Italian too