Thursday 25th January 2007

Euthanasia? No, please. Ratzinger the barbarian.


The critical sense must not be sacrificed to love, but subordinated to it. “Gracious” hierarchy.


Fossilizing on Christ’s resurrection is stupid. If we do not wait for Him.


He was tempted: my God, my God, why did not you abandon me?


The whole Catholic church has buried each and every maranatha.


Sunday 14th January 2007. Unconscious bilocation. The receiver is given, in a difficult moment, the Word of God.


Catholic doctrine against euthanasia (“CACOTANASIA”) shows and acclaims that popes and cardinals do not want to kick the bucket until the end.


I have read about some American handicapped people: they want to hand their  own handicaps down to their children. This is divinely, wojtylaly, ratzingerily, catholic.

This article is available in Italian too