Wednesday 26th August 2009

21st August 2009

Friday. S. Pio X. Blessed Virgin Mary Queen’ eve. At about 3,30 “strange” rustle.                  The Carthusian is afraid of its diabolic character. He prays: “Jesus, show me Your power” (against Satan).

a) 4,55. the Carthusian hears a crowd, gathered and crossed by the Spirit, spasmodically waiting for the Event-Word.

b) He hears the physical voice of God: “Listen, Israel, your God”. A clear, plain voice, without any poetical accents, perfectly in prose. Powerful not in Its volume but in Its content.

c) The Voice is addressed to the assembly-church. The imperative “Listen…” is repeated 3 times (God-Trinity).

d) 7,45. The Angels sing quite gently Ave, ave, ave Maria, the chorus of the well-known Marian hymn, built on the Trinitarian length of the a (Aaave Maaaria).

Thursday 20th August was S. Samuele, the Jewish prophet God physically addressed the Word to.


17th May 2001

Retreat. Peschiera at the Capitolo in Monopoli. Spiritual focus.

a) I am a man. The supernatural on my skin messes and breaks me up.

b) I am an intellectual. I fear for intelligence and reason, qualities I over esteem.

c) I am deeply annoyed by publicity about me.

d) Like my father I love the serene rhythm of life.

e) I do not want any annoyances.

f) I fear for my freedom. I do not want to be besieged.

I am almost desperate, I am tempted to bite my fingers. I clearly underline the “idols” pointed energetically by the Strasbourg prophecy of Armando Ricca. Idols to be destroyed for Jesus love.


26th August 2009

Wednesday . 3,30. Madonna of Czestochowa. Angels crooning: “You blessed believer”.

Sleepless night, a tonic day. I realize that Angels keep in contact with me by singing.


Monday 10th August 2009. In my dream he finds out, amazed, that there are some nuns “leghiste” about immigrants.

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