Wednesday 22nd July 2009

In Germany swimming is a school subject.


Memory taken by the destroyed diaries. 13th May 2001. Madonna of Fatima. Spiritual retreat. Capitolo of Monopoli. A terrace facing the sea. The Carthusian is praying on the synthetic beach chair.

Suddenly a structural sag of the chair. The ring finger of his left hand is pressed in the chair and literally flattened. The Carthusian prays Mary: do not let my retreat to be interrupted. Moreover I do not have any car and I am kilometres away from hospital.

Immediately his finger gets its normal thickness back.


At the beginning of another retreat he had a rhinitis. He could not let the mucus out. He went next to the image of Mary, pushed his nose on Hers. He was freed immediately.


The lógoi of the prophet

The light of the faith illuminates the light of the reason: Light on light. The being is not God, but it is from God. Romantic enlightenment.


17th July 2009. 4,30 a.m. Angelic alarm. A heavy yelling in his ear. Clear, precise, quick. It does not leave any buzzing. Celestial Lovers inform him: increase the audience of your Message. It is not a superficial information. The Carthusian usually lives alone with two autistic people, misinformed, even unable to catch the signs of the frontal stigmata, that others can see clearly, surprised and shocked.


Angels, I love and admire you. You are technically updated. Like the young human people you use the earpiece. Not to receive songs but to send Messages.


Satan is Terrible. Terrible like Death, in its most alive meaning: desperation, depression, the pure non Sense, the non God.


For several days and nights, around the celebration of B.V. Mary of the Carmelo, he was crushed by the Nihilist. From the tree of the Death he could squeeze few drops of milk of Faith. And he won. Hardly, agonically.


I beg you, readers of the Light. Stand on the edge of the Abyss. Only for a while. What it takes not to be destroyed by Horror. And to glimpse the shapeless Shape, the fluorescent Eye, the killing Ruby. And maybe to be safe forever.


With the virtual words of Jesus, the Carthusian means those words not pronounced formally by Jesus but substantially. Otherwise: not realistically said but really.


4 night visions of the 20th July 2009

 S.Elia. Father of the prophet, invoked on the day of his pneumatic Baptism.

  1. The prophet is sitting at table. Opposite to him a big demijohn of red wine. No wicker, perfectly visible. It is the consistent and conspicuous symbol of his next death. On the other end of the table his death maternal aunt, Bibina, a much sensible and religious woman not formal. Laughs. Yes, death and laugh.
  2. A lot of people are gathering in the church. The prophet is on the parvis. Watched, loved. But they are not going to him, even if they are called by him.
  3. In the Vatican skies float, disgusting, pricks and aborted foetus.
  4. Vatican dignitaries scornfully point at the prophet as a “fanatical” (Accusation made against Lombardi).


If the Christological language of Calcedonia is perfectible, why isn’t the gesuanico language extolled by José Antonio Pagola  perfectible?


When Satan sticks to the soul, it dirties it with absolute pessimism and true desperation. It is a sample of Hell. The spirit is set free thanks to the poor attempts of prayer and faith.


Divorced people who got married again. On Jesus Giannino Piana answers: “The Catholic church discipline, that denies the divorced people or those who live together the possibility of the sacraments, in particular Eucharist, is considered by the most extremely rigid and anachronistic. The reason, given in the most recent documents of the teaching tin order to justify it, is the analogy between Christian marriage, as a participation in the indissoluble love that links Christ and the Church, and Eucharist, that represents the highest expression of such a love: those who are divorced or live together, by taking Communion, would be in contradiction with themselves, denying with their state of life what they celebrate with the sacrament…the tradition of the Church is not univocal; the interpretations given over the past years are different. It is doubtless that Christian communities of the first centuries, yet recognising in the value of indissolubility an ideal to pursue, did not hesitate to accept, on the pastoral ground, some forms of mediation …the different position of the other Christian churches, and mainly of the orthodox Church that has elaborated a discipline based upon mercy – the so called economy- with relation to some particular situations, has its roots in this experience of the original Church”.

This article is available in Italian too